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About Us

The ICONS, is a Delaware-based 50Ic3 volunteer driven services organization dedicated to community empowerment via education and cooperative economics. The ICONS organization was established in the spring of 2005 in New Castle, Delaware.

ICONS is an acronym for Intellectuals Committed to Optimizing Networking & Social Empowerment. ICONS is comprised of a cadre of dedicated and highly educated African-American males that have invested their time, expertise, and acumen in service to youth. ICONS is a service-intensive, relationship-driven organization that offers youth authentic guidance and support from qualified, empathetic mentors. With strong community support and partnerships, ICONS implements a broad range of special services to help at-risk youth to improve academics, self esteem and behavior issues while providing a supportive system in which youth can begin to have positive experiences. ICONS have a proven blue print for success to tackle the challenges of troubled youth through our core empowerment programs.

Mission Statement:
ICONS, Inc. is devoted to empowering youth to be respected members in society. Our goal is to provide holistic services and support to those most vulnerable.  Through a series of interactive, comprehensive education programs, we help youth to develop the necessary skills and knowledge needed to grow distinguished, productive and well respected citizens.

ICONS Organizational Structure

President: Jason Hunt, MSOL
Vice President: James Lee, Esq.
Director of Programs: Joseph Griffin
Director of Educational Services:  Curtis Callands, MA
Director of Community Affairs: Ervin Smith, III
