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Staffing Model

ICONS is led by a dedicated cadre of educators and academics, practitioners, and business professionals. The team is entrenched in the communities that they serve. Each workshop is facilited by one of our trained specialists and experts in a given topical area. The program’s success rests largely with the collective ability to work in tandem with the project sponsor towards the agreed upon goals and objectives. There is flexibility in tailoring the programming to address pressing community needs. The work is curriculum driven and research-based. In addition to leveraging internal expertise, we look to the project sponsor in building-out our capacity and bandwidth. The following provides a brief background description about each facilitator, and their expertise.

Jason R. Hunt, MSOL,
Public health, business management and leadership
Presenter: Dress for Success, You look like ME

Joseph Griffin, Dean of Students

Presenter: P.L.A.N. Program, Ten Step Towards Success

Curt Callands, MA, Principal
Presenter: Respect, Parents just don’t understand

James Lee, Esq, Attorney at Law
Presenter: Law and Order

Ervin Smith, III, Federal Agent
Presenter: Law and Order

Brooke Nicholas, MPA
Public Policy, Female Empowerment, Professional Coaching

Targeted Audience
We have a particular focus on middle school and high school aged students. We also offer cross-generational programming, and adult courses in micro-finance and parenting.
