Heritage Achievement Camp/Workshop
The Heritage Achievement Camp is a summer cultural enrichment program and or workshop designed for middle school and high school aged youth. This program increases the knowledge and awareness of the contributions of African-Americans to our society, with the added benefits of reading compression skills, teamwork, leadership skills, self esteem building, strategy formulation and family participation. The primary goal of this program is to help our youth to better understand their rich lineage and heritage by re-connecting them with their past which will mold their future success. The Heritage Achievement Camp is a direct off spring for The Heritage Bowl which promotes the notion that self-awareness begins with “knowledge of self” and “knowledge of self” in imperative in the matriculation process of our youth.
The Heritage Bowl creates a pipeline for youth to participate in this camp, among other recruitment outlet. This Bowl is a scholastic competition that tests students’ knowledge in African American History and public issues. It is also a great way to incentive school participation. In this activity alone, we enrage up to 150 students participants each year in partnership with the University of Delaware. All team are given a comprehensive study guide in advance to the tournament.